'Staff and pupils are kept safe and feel highly valued at this school. It has a strong and loving ethos with older pupils constantly caring for and looking after younger peers.' SIAMS 2023

Home Learning

Home Learning

Drake's Primary are promoting three vital areas of home learning that the children will need to concentrate on at home. Lots of short, exciting sessions are much better for learning compared to one off, longer sessions sat at a table. Make it physical and enjoyable. Experiment and be creative.

  • Reading
  • Spelling
  • Times tables

Reading is something that should be done as much as possible - it is a vital life skill that underpins their learning in school and far beyond into their adulthood. Please refer to school newsletters and speak to staff about how it is being promoted in school. In a nutshell - read at home five times in a week and get your Reading Record signed in order to win Class Points and be entered in for a prize!

Spellings will be given to your child every week on Friday. This will consist of the Year 3 and 4 Statutory Spellings and any other spelling pattern/sound the children might be learning that week. Spellings will be stuck into their Spelling Journal and sent home. Please ensure this comes back in ready for their spelling test on Thursday/Friday.

Times tables are vital to further their understanding in maths - division, fractions and decimals. We are using an online platform, Times Tables Rockstars, to aid their learning and enjoyment of times tables. Each month, they will have the chance to increase their 'Baseline Score', an overall assessment of their times tables. If they move up the 'Rockstar Ranks' - prizes will be on offer.