'Staff and pupils are kept safe and feel highly valued at this school. It has a strong and loving ethos with older pupils constantly caring for and looking after younger peers.' SIAMS 2023

Support Available for Improving Emotional, Mental and Social Development

Support Available for Improving Emotional, Mental and Social Development

What support that is available for improving the emotional, mental and social development of pupils with special educational needs?
What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?
Drakes C of E Primary School will:

  • Promote the health and wellbeing of each child or young person by supporting them to access extra-curricular activities including programmes put on by The Link Academy Trust’s Inclusion Hub.
  • Regularly review and evaluate the impact of SEND provision on the progress, attainment and well-being of SEND pupils
  • Review attendance and exclusion data for SEND pupils
  • Provide a safe environment for children and young people and recognise that the well-being of all children and young people includes physical, mental and emotional well-being as well as protection from abuse
  • Be aware that children may experience a wide range of social and emotional difficulties which manifest in many ways and have clear processes to support these needs
  • Be alert to other events such as bereavement and bullying which can lead to learning and/or mental health difficulties and have clear processes to support these needs
  • Assess pupils displaying disruptive or withdrawn behaviours to determine any underlying learning, communication or mental health difficulties
  • Ensure appropriate provision is in place, such as additional pastoral support for those pupils identified with social, emotional and mental health difficulties
  • Have in place clear processes to support children and young people, including how they will manage the effect of any disruptive behaviour so it does not adversely affect other pupils
  • Regularly review our SEND, anti-bullying and behaviour policies
  • Establish processes to facilitate feedback from all pupils, including pupils with SEND, e.g. pupil voice
  • Have an Ethos Group and a School Council
  • Have pupil feedback processes in place as appropriate to the age of the children
  • Where appropriate seek further advice from advisory services and outside agencies about removing barriers to learning linked to emotional, mental and social development